Tyendinaga Caves are located in Belleville, Ontario, Canada, and are the oldest natural cavern. It is a family-owned destination. Many guided tours that are eco-friendly are offered by the family through knowledgeable guides and themselves. Every summer, thousands of people are attracted to the Tyendinaga Caves and explore it for hours. What can be better about learning the history of a place that dates back to the 1800s in such an interesting way?

 What are the amazing things you will learn on your tour of the beautiful Tyendinaga Caves?

  •  If you are a fan of history and geology, the Caves is one of the best places in Canada for you to explore. A guided tour takes place every 30 minutes and lasts for around 45 minutes. Visitors can learn various things on their visit to Tyendinaga Caves.
  • You will be able to see and learn about fossils that are almost 450 million years ago. Fascinating, isn’t it? Well, this is just the beginning.
  • One can learn about the preservation and making of the site. Many more caves can also be discovered in Tyendinaga Caves. You will be able to see bats and different other species.
  • This is not the end, you will be able to see and learn about many other things. To think about learning and viewing such amazing things in just 45 minutes is spell bounding, right? 

You will be surprised to know how eco-conscious the Cave is!

The family-owned  Caves offer an experience that is both sustainable and ethical. The family considers the place sacred and there are many ways that have been ensured to keep the place eco-conscious in the best way possible. The materials that the place is adorned with are directly taken from the site. There is no requirement for air conditioners or heaters as the temperature is maintained through geothermal means. No harmful substances or chemicals are used on the property and proper sanitation and hygiene, including clean water, is ensured. With these amazing precautions, your experience with Tyendinaga Caves is bound to be one of the best ones!