Previously known as the Centennial Museum of Science and Technology, the Ontario Science Centre is a famous science museum as the name suggests. Located in Ontario, Canada, it is situated near Don Valley Parkway. It is a beautiful architecture that speaks highly of technology and the future. 

Explore the History Of This Place!

Even if science does not interest you, the history of this amazing science museum is bound to attract you! 

The famous architect, Raymond Moriyama was hired in 1964 to design this science site. However, the planning for the science site had begun prior to this in 1961. Earlier the plan was to open the site by 1967. However, the project was not completed and it wasn’t until two years later, in 1969, that the museum was inaugurated and opened to the public. Out of other major technological things, the one thing that stood out the most was its interactive sessions. For the Ontario Science Centre, gone were the traditional days where viewing was the only option. Most of the sessions and exhibits were interactive or included live demonstrations. Science may not interest you in theory, but seeing it in practice is the best way to love science. New changes were accepted to be made in 2001 and seven new areas were added to the site. 

It is hard not to fall in love with science if the Ontario Science Centre exhibits such amazing attractions!

  • There are various exhibitions that are held by the Ontario Science Centre every day.
  • There are various exhibits that are permanent in nature. It offers many interactive sessions which feature different science subjects like geology, astronomy, music, human anatomy, technology, etc
  • . You will also be surprised to know that the science center also holds many exhibitions that are related to testing controversial theories about science in the context of mythologies, biases, and beliefs. You can also visit the gallery that is solely dedicated to human anatomy.
  • The AstraZeneca Human Edge is famous for its almost 80 different kinds of exhibits.

If you are visiting with your kids, your child can enjoy himself and learn while playing in the KidSpark area. With many more areas dedicated to space hall, planetarium, living earth, etc., the Ontario Science Centre is a play of amazement and new opportunities for everyone!